Highway Code update comes into force in England, Scotland and Wales

Changes include a new hierarchy of road users, and expectation that drivers give way to pedestrians at junctions

Cyclists and pedestrians are better protected as of Saturday as a revamp of the Highway Code comes into force, despite concerns that millions of drivers are confused by or unaware of the changes.

An AA survey of more than 13,700 drivers carried out this month indicated that 33% were unaware of the changes, including 4% who had “no intention” of looking at the details.

Hierarchy of road users
People in charge of vehicles that can cause the most harm in the event of a collision have the greatest responsibility to look out for other road users.

Walking, cycling or riding in shared spaces
Cyclists should not overtake people walking or riding a horse in shared spaces closely or at high speed, and pedestrians should not obstruct paths.

Positioning of cyclists
Cyclists should make themselves as visible as possible by riding in the centre of lanes on quiet roads, in slower-moving traffic and at the approach to junctions.

Pedestrians crossing
Traffic should give way when people are waiting to cross at junctions, updating the earlier guidance that applied only to those who have already stepped out on to the crossing. Traffic must give way to people on zebra crossings.

Overtaking cyclists
Drivers travelling at speeds of up to 30mph should leave at least 1.5 metres when overtaking cyclists. They should give more space when overtaking at higher speeds.

Opening car doors
Car occupants should open doors using their hand on the opposite side to the door, making them turn their head to look over their shoulder. This technique, known as the Dutch reach, reduces the chances of doors being opened into the path of cyclists and motorcyclists.

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