‘I don’t regret it’: ex-CIA agent who inspired Zero Dark Thirty defends waterboarding

In interview with Reuters Alfreda Scheuer says waterboarding was not torture and insisted such techniques can work

In the 2012 Hollywood hit Zero Dark Thirty, a red-haired Central Intelligence Agency analyst played by Jessica Chastain travels to a secret CIA prison and watches a colleague waterboard a screaming al-Qaida suspect, then lock him in a box a little bigger than a mini-fridge, to make him talk.

In 2002, red-haired CIA analyst Alfreda Scheuer, then known by her maiden name Bikowsky, traveled to a secret CIA prison to watch the torture of al-Qaida suspect Abu Zubaydah, who was waterboarded and locked in a “dog box”, Senate investigators reported.

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Paus4d Login
10 months ago

I enjoyed reading your article and learning more about this subject. Keep up the good work!

iso toto
iso toto
7 months ago

I like how you present the information in an easy to understand and structured way.