Elections 2022: live council results for England, Scotland and Wales

Polls have closed in the local elections. All councils in Scotland, Wales and London, and many in the rest of England were up for election. First results are expected soon after midnight

On 5 May all councils in Scotland and Wales are holding elections for all of their councillors. In England, the picture is more complex. Many parts of England are holding no election at all. Others are holding elections for a third of seats as part of a four-yearly cycle in which a third of lower-tier seats are elected each year, with the upper-tier being chosen in the fourth year. In other areas there is a “unitary” council, being elected in its entirety.

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1 year ago

Your engaging and relatable writing makes readers feel less alone in their struggles.

1 year ago

I appreciate the way you incorporate diverse perspectives and voices into your writing. It makes the article much more inclusive and representative.

1 year ago

I appreciate the way you present both sides of the argument in your article. It shows a willingness to consider different perspectives and engage in meaningful dialogue.

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11 months ago

This article has been very useful in helping me to understand the complexity of the topic.