Russia-Ukraine war live news: Lavrov to attend G20 meeting; Russian troops push towards Sloviansk

Russian foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, will meet with foreign diplomats in first face-to-face talks since invasion began; eastern frontline city and nearby areas hit by heavy shelling

Ukraine’s military to limit free movement to ease conscriptionNearly 9m people have fled Ukraine since Russian invasion: UNAt a glance: what we know on day 134 of the invasion

Josep Borrell, the EU high representative for foreign affairs and security policy, says he has called on China “to play more constructive role in addressing Russia’s war against Ukraine” and stop any disinformation surrounding Russian attacks.

Borrell said he discussed the matter with Chinese state councillor and foreign minister, Wang Yi.

Called on China to play more constructive role in addressing Russia’s war against Ukraine and stopping disinformation on what are the causes and the disastrous global economic consequences of Russia’s attack.”

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