Antisemitism was used as ‘factional weapon’ in Labour party, Forde report finds

Report, commissioned by Keir Starmer, finds ‘toxicity on both sides’ during Jeremy Corbyn’s time as leader

Labour, under the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn, was riven with bitter factional infighting, with both supporters and opponents of Corbyn using the issue of antisemitism within the party “as a factional weapon”, a long-awaited report has said.

The Forde report details what it describes as “toxicity on both sides of the relationship” between Corbyn’s office and the Labour HQ, which seriously hampered Labour’s ability to fight elections.

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1 year ago

Your use of humor in your writing keeps the article light-hearted and engaging.

11 months ago

Your article is a great resource for anyone looking to learn more about this topic. Thank you for sharing.

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Paus4d Login
10 months ago

Your article is a valuable contribution to the discussion on this topic. Thank you for sharing your insights and expertise.

iso toto
iso toto
7 months ago

This article has been very useful in helping me understand the complexity of the topic.