Covid: UK set to end follow-up PCRs after positive lateral flow test

Minister says change in response to ‘accuracy and amount of lateral flow tests’ and not due to staff shortages

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The UK government is understood to be preparing to announce that people will no longer have to take PCR tests to confirm their coronavirus infection after a positive lateral flow test since they delay the start of isolation.

The care minister, Gillian Keegan, told the Today programme that she understood the plan was “being considered but there isn’t a decision that’s been communicated to me yet”, adding that any change would be to reflect the “accuracy and the amount of lateral flow tests” rather than to curb staff shortages. She told BBC Breakfast that she did not know when any announcement would be scheduled.

She said there were “no immediate plans” to reduce the seven-day minimum isolation period down to five if a negative lateral flow is obtained, but added that it was “a reasonable question to ask” and one that is currently being considered by scientists.

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