NHS yet to see ‘a single penny’ of promised £500m emergency fund

Exclusive: discharge funding to relieve hospital delays promised by Thérèse Coffey in September has not materialised

Hospitals and care homes have not received a single penny of a £500m emergency fund promised by the government to prevent the NHS becoming overwhelmed this winter, the Guardian has learned.

Ministers announced they were injecting the cash into the health and social care system last month, to help get thousands of medically fit patients out of hospital into either their own home or a care home as soon as possible in an effort to better prepare the NHS for the coming months.

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isototo login
isototo login
1 year ago

Your article is a great example of the power of storytelling. It’s clear you have a talent for crafting compelling narratives.

1 year ago

This article is very helpful and informative in understanding the topic.

Paus4d Login
Paus4d Login
10 months ago

Your article is both informative and inspiring. I appreciate the way you challenge readers to take action and make a difference.

4 months ago

The author presents a compelling argument with strong supporting evidence.