Russia-Ukraine war latest news: Kyiv rejects Moscow’s deadline for Mariupol surrender; Biden to visit Poland – live

Russia tells defending forces to lay down arms; deaths after explosions hit Kyiv shopping district; US president to fly to Warsaw on Friday

Russia-Ukraine war: what we know on day 26 of the invasionKyiv says ‘no question’ of surrender in Mariupol after Russia sets 5am deadline‘Some were too scared to leave’: man rescues 25 people from MariupolZelenskiy questions Israel’s reluctance to sell Ukraine Iron Dome defence systemRussia bombed Mariupol art school sheltering 400 people, says UkraineClaims Mariupol women and children forcibly sent to Russia

Ukraine’s military has just released its operational report as of 6am this morning, claiming its forced have no suffered any significant changes over the past day.

Officials said bombing and storming aviation caused “crushing blows” to clusters of Russian equipment and personnel.

On Friday, March 25, President Biden will travel to Warsaw, Poland, where he will hold a bilateral meeting with president Andrzej Duda. The president will discuss how the United States, alongside our allies and partners, is responding to the humanitarian and human rights crisis that Russia’s unjustified and unprovoked war on Ukraine has created.”

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syair hongkong
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syair hongkong
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