Russia-Ukraine war: UN secretary general calls for inspectors to be allowed access to nuclear plant as Russia readies for southern offensive – live

Guterres says attacks on nuclear plant ‘suicidal’ and urges access to the site; Vladimir Putin’s troops are trying to gain full control of the Donbas region of east Ukraine

Attack on Ukraine nuclear plant ‘suicidal’, says UN chief as he urges access to siteWhat we know on day 166 of the invasionRussia readies for southern offensive as alarm raised over shelling of nuclear plant

Oleh Synyehubov, the governor of Kharkiv, has said that two people were killed in shelling on the region in the last 24 hours. He claimed that overnight the roof of the administrative building in Kharkiv’s Kyiv district had caught fire due to the shelling. His message ended:

As you can see, the Russians, because of their lack of success at the front, are striking peaceful towns and villages in the region. But we are stronger than their pathetic attempts to intimidate us. Victory is ours!

On 8 August, at 2.57am, one of the Telegram channels spread information that there was an air alert in Lviv, but due to technical reasons, the city and phone applications did not turn on the notification. This information is not true! There was no threat. Follow and trust only official sources of information.

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