Antisemitism row forces Royal Court theatre to change name of character

Criticism from David Baddiel and others prompts about-turn on play due to open this week

Al Smith may not be the first British playwright to ask “What’s in a name?”, but this weekend he had cause to ponder Shakespeare’s famous line.

Smith, the author of a new play coming to the Royal Court theatre this week, had given a lead character the name of Hershel Fink. But publicity for the production prompted angry complaints about Jewish stereotyping. In response, the famous venue on Sloane Square in London has now apologised and agreed to change the name, admitting that it was “unconscious bias” that had led to the Silicon Valley billionaire in the work being given this identity.

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1 year ago

Your writing is so eloquent and persuasive. It’s clear you have a talent for making a compelling argument.

1 year ago

Your use of solid data and facts to present information is commendable.