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Joe Biden will speak to several leaders of European nations this afternoon, after his virtual summit with Vladimir Putin concludes.

“This afternoon, President Biden will convene a call with President Macron of France, Chancellor Merkel of Germany, Prime Minister Draghi of Italy, and Prime Minister Johnson of the United Kingdom following his call with President Putin,” the White House told the press pool.

On the House floor, moments before the vote, Meijer approached a member who appeared on the verge of a breakdown. He asked his new colleague if he was okay. The member responded that he was not; that no matter his belief in the legitimacy of the election, he could no longer vote to certify the results, because he feared for his family’s safety. ‘Remember, this wasn’t a hypothetical. You were casting that vote after seeing with your own two eyes what some of these people are capable of,’ Meijer says. ‘If they’re willing to come after you inside the U.S. Capitol, what will they do when you’re at home with your kids?’

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1 year ago

I appreciate the way you present both sides of the argument in your article. It shows a willingness to consider different perspectives and engage in meaningful dialogue.

1 year ago

Your writing is so authentic and vulnerable. It takes a lot of courage to share your personal experiences with the world, and I admire you for it.