Boris Johnson rejects idea that Ukraine conflict is about ‘Russia vs Nato’ – UK politics live

Latest updates: prime minister also asked about defence spending and Metropolitan police failings during LBC interview

Good morning. The day kicked off with an appearance from prime minister Boris Johnson on LBC, in which he told host Nick Ferrari that despite some 35 recorded threats of nuclear war from Putin, it’s important not to “allow ourselves to be side-tracked by this kind of sabre-rattling”.

He said:

Fundamentally, what Putin is trying to do is to reframe this. It’s about Russia versus Nato. It’s about, you know, a stand-off of that kind. It’s not. It’s about his attack on an entirely innocent country, with conventional weapons, with artillery, bombardments with planes, shells and so on.

I think that we see no reason for that.

I’ve always been in favour of academic competition… All I would say is that what I want is good schools everywhere.

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