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Earlier in the exchanges during business questions Pete Wishart, the SNP spokesperson on House of Commons matter, said that his estimate was that 50 MPs were now isolating with Covid. He urged Rees-Mogg to bring back hybrid proceedings (allowing MPs to participate in debates virtually) and proxy voting. And he contrasted what was happening in Westminster with practice in the Scottish parliament. He said:

Yesterday was the Scottish parliament sat in an emergency session to discuss cases the Omicron crisis in Scotland. It was all virtual. All elected MSPs could participate and its sitting provided absolutely no risk whatsoever to the staff on the Holyrood estate.

Yesterda this house also met for the first time after the Christmas recess. It was entirely in person in 19th century building with practically no social distancing measures in place. All 650 members could attend if they wanted to. And a good portion of them decided to come here to a packed chamber to listen to PMQs and a prime ministerial statement.

I am sorry that [Wishart] doesn’t like doing his job, that he wishes to enjoy himself sitting at home, and that he doesn’t want to do what members of parliament are expected to do, and turn up in the House of Commons.

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11 months ago

This is a well-written article. Your writing style is engaging and easy to follow.

11 months ago

I agree with many of the points you make in this article and appreciate your perspective.

10 months ago

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