Boris Johnson tells No 10 staff ‘change is good’, quoting Lion King, amid resignations turmoil – UK politics live

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This is from Peter Cardwell, a former Tory special adviser, on the Boris Johnson pep talk for staff this morning.

Boris Johnson told No 10 staff this morning that “change is good”, the PM’s spokesperson told journalists at the Downing Street lobby briefing this morning. Johnson was delivering a pep talk in the light of the announcements yesterday that four of his most senior aides were leaving.

As Rafiki in the Lion King says, change is good, and change is necessary even though it’s tough.

This is like a half-time pep talk … This is the moment when you spit out the chewed up slice of orange. You put the gum-shield back in and then you get back on the pitch. That’s what we’re doing.

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