Britain’s Ukraine visa scheme is complex and unfair, say critics

The policy is restrictive, immigration rules are unclear and questions from officials can feel unreasonable

Russia-Ukraine crisis: live news

The Home Office was accused on Sunday of asking newly arrived Ukrainian refugees how long they plan to stay in the UK as the government came under mounting criticism for its response to the victims of the humanitarian crisis.

The home secretary Priti Patel was, on Friday, again forced to change visa rules for Ukrainians with relatives in the UK. More family members will now be included – though many remain excluded – and length of stay is extended from one to up to three years. But critics said the policy fell significantly short of the UK’s international obligations and that it was ungenerous in comparison to the EU, which has pledged to welcome refugees with “open arms”.

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1 year ago

Your article is a great reminder of the impact this issue has on people’s lives. Thank you for shedding light on it.

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10 months ago

Your article was an excellent resource for anyone looking to learn more about this subject. Thank you for sharing your expertise.

10 months ago

Your use of data and statistics to support your arguments adds credibility and depth to your writing.

7 months ago

Your article is an excellent resource for anyone looking to learn more about this topic. I appreciate the way you organized the information and made it easy to follow.