Cabinet minister Pat McFadden and Lib Dem leader Ed Davey appear before Post Office Horizon inquiry – business live

Cabinet minister Pat McFadden and Lib Dem leader Ed Davey appear before Post Office Horizon inquiry – business live

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McFadden also told the Horizon IT inquiry “of course I wish I had done more” to question the Post Office over its Horizon IT system.

In his witness statement, the Labour MP and Cabinet minister said:

Rereading this correspondence now, and knowing the injustice done to so many subpostmasters, of course I wish I had done more to ask the Post Office if they were really sure their IT system was as robust as they suggested.

Yet if I had done so, I suspect they would have continued to insist that it was not to blame for these accounting errors and they would have continued to use the court judgments as proof points.

At the root of all this was the Post Office’s insistence that its IT system was robust and not to blame for accounting errors and their willingness to bring prosecutions through the courts over many years.

This resulted in many innocent people being convicted or being held liable for debts they did not owe in the civil courts.

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