Covid live: Queen ‘not displaying symptoms’ after recent meeting with Prince Charles, who has tested positive

Prince Charles, who has tested positive for Covid for the second time, met recently with the Queen but monarch not displaying symptoms

Prince Charles tests positive for Covid a second timeAfrica transitioning out of pandemic phase of Covid, WHO saysScottish health secretary calls Johnson’s plan to scrap rules a ‘dead cat’NZ police clash with anti-vaccine protesters at parliamentSee all our coronavirus coverage

The Paris police authority said it had decided to ban the so-called motorists’ “freedom convoy” from holding protests in the French capital, due to begin tomorrow and last four days, Reuters reports.

Protesters had set out from southern France yesterday with plans to converge on Paris and Brussels to demand an end to Covid-19 restrictions, inspired by demonstrators who have blocked a Canadian border crossing.

Health minister, Saia Piukala, told reporters that 31 more people had tested positive for the virus, nearly doubling Tonga’s active cases for the second day in a row to a total of 64, the online Matangi Tonga news portal and other media reported.

While the number may seem small, the nation of 105,000 had managed to escape thus far without any infections aside from a single case brought in from a missionary returning to Tonga from Africa last October, which was successfully isolated.

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