Deal on Northern Ireland protocol could be struck next week, sources say

Negotiations are in crucial final phase with Rishi Sunak preparing to hold calls with EU leaders

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Negotiations over the Northern Ireland protocol are in the crucial final phase with a potential deal as early as next week, according to UK sources.

Rishi Sunak is expected to spend the latter half of the parliamentary recess this week looking at the shape of the deal, with calls pencilled in with EU leaders. However, UK sources stressed talks were at a delicate phase and there was no guarantee of a final agreement.

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1 year ago

Thank you for providing practical tips and advice on this topic. It’s refreshing to have actionable steps to take rather than just theoretical ideas.

1 year ago

Your article provides a fresh perspective on this topic. It’s always great to hear new ideas and approaches.

11 months ago

Thank you for this interesting article.

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10 months ago

I appreciate the depth and breadth of knowledge you bring to this topic. Your articles are always informative and insightful.

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iso toto
7 months ago

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