Dubai floods: Chaos, queues and submerged cars after UAE hit by record rains

Dubai floods: Chaos, queues and submerged cars after UAE hit by record rains

Passengers report being stranded in the desert city as the international hub struggles in the wake of unusually heavy rain

Don’t blame cloud seeding for the Dubai floods

Dubai is wrestling with the aftermath of extraordinary torrential rains that flooded the desert city, with residents describing harrowing stories of spending the night in their cars, and air passengers enduring chaotic scenes at airports.

Up to 259.5mm (10.2in) of rain fell on the usually arid country of the United Arab Emirates on Tuesday, the most since records began 75 years ago. The state-run WAM news agency called the rains on Tuesday “a historic weather event” that surpassed “anything documented since the start of data collection in 1949”.

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