France election 2024 live: political deadlock looms after leftwing alliance wins most seats

France election 2024 live: political deadlock looms after leftwing alliance wins most seats

Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally fails to take power while no party wins absolute majority; PM Gabriel Attal offers resignation

Full report: France election: surprise win for leftwing alliance keeps Le Pen’s far right from powerExplainer: France’s progressives keep out the far right, but what could happen next?

Watch far-right leader Marine Le Pen speaking after her party came in third in the elections after leftist and centrist parties struck an electoral deal to vote tactically to prevent it from achieving its predicted first place.

The National Rally leader said the party’s victory had “merely been delayed”:

The tide is rising, but it didn’t rise quite high enough this time.

This result, as well as the victory of the Labour party in the United Kingdom, reinforces the importance of dialogue between progressive segments in defence of democracy and social justice. They should serve as an inspiration for South America.

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