German media cry foul over alleged handball by England women’s team

Tabloids claim outcome of Wembley final is fraudulent and complain about referees’ decision not to penalise victors

As the German football team licks their wounds following their defeat at Wembley, at least some of the disappointment is being channelled into speculation as to whether the team was fairly treated, even maybe defrauded out of victory. In particular there is discussion over whether the referees overlooked what is being referred to as a “clear case of handball” in the 25th minute of the match. The tabloid Bild, for one, is furious. Under the headline: Anger over the Scandal Referees, the paper writes, it was “clear to see that the England player, Leah Williamson played the ball at shoulder height, with her hand”.

It accuses the referee Kateryna Monzul, of failing to view it as a handball, while the video referees, Paolo Valeri and Pol van Bockel, came to the joint conclusion that it was not a punishable move, “So they did not even check the scene!” Bild declares.

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