Gillian Keegan says teachers don’t need to threaten strikes

Education secretary says she looks forward to ‘de-escalation’ as unions in England ballot over industrial action

The education secretary has made a veiled plea for teachers in England to “de-escalate” and avoid industrial action, arguing that progress can be made on pay and other concerns without the threat of “harmful” strikes.

All four major teaching unions in England are balloting their members on possible strike action over pay, with the National Education Union and NASUWT saying that the pay rise given in September – about 5% on average – is inadequate given rampant inflation and the cost of living crisis.

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isototo login
isototo login
1 year ago

Your thought-provoking and insightful writing reflects the time and effort you invested in researching the topic.

Paus4d Login
Paus4d Login
10 months ago

I appreciate the time and effort you put into researching and writing this article. It shows in the quality of your work.