‘Half a billion pounds to make 3,000 unemployed’: job cut fears from Port Talbot state aid deal – business live

Unions fear that jobs will be lost through £500m green steel subsidy deal with Tata which could be announced today

It is a “very anxious morning” due to fears of job losses at the Port Talbot steelworks in south Wales, says Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford.

Drakeford hopes that any cuts to the workforce at the plant could be phased in over a number of years rather than “a rush to lose jobs”.

“This will be a very anxious morning for many, many families in Port Talbot waiting to see the detail of whatever has been agreed between the UK Government and the company. We haven’t seen any of the details as yet.

“On the one hand, it does seem that there is to be investment at the plant that will secure the long-term future of jobs in that town.

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