Has Liz Truss done enough to save herself? Our panel’s verdict | Polly Toynbee and others

The prime minister addressed the Tory conference as leader for the first time. What are the chances that it could be her last?

Banal, vacuous, repetitive, full of economic balderdash … the only mercy in Liz Truss’s speech was its length – short and sour. Some expected contrition on benefits, but not a word reassured low-paid people that she won’t cut universal credit, consigning 5 million children to poverty. “We have your back,” she said, but not theirs, as her tax cuts still gift the richest people 40 times more than those who are low paid. Nor does she have the back of those people facing monster mortgage rises. Proudly “disruptive” Mrs Nasty made no attempt to play nice.

Polly Toynbee is a Guardian columnist

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