James Blunt jokes he will release new music on Spotify in Rogan protest

Singer-songwriter adds his own twist to boycott by Joni Mitchell and Neil Young over platform’s promotion of anti-vax podcasts

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James Blunt has jokily threatened to release new music on Spotify if the audio streaming service does not remove a podcast by the US commentator Joe Rogan that has been criticised for promoting anti-vax views.

The English singer-songwriter wrote on Twitter on Saturday:

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11 months ago

This is a well-researched article that provides valuable insights and practical advice. I appreciate the way you presented the information in a way that is easy to follow and relevant to readers.

Paus4d Login
Paus4d Login
10 months ago

Your article is a great reminder of why we need to keep fighting for change. Thank you for being a voice for those who can’t speak up.