‘Jurassic embarrassment’: Tory MPs attack colleague who blocked Paterson report approval – UK politics live

Latest updates: MPs furious with Sir Christopher Chope as move means report will have to be debated in parliament

PM fails to stifle sleaze scandal as ratification of Paterson report blocked

Amanda Pritchard, chief executive of NHS England, is giving a speech to the NHS Providers conference later. In an interview on the Today programme this morning, she said that although the NHS has an ambition to end all hospital waits of more than two years by March next year, it would be “very difficult” to achieve this in some areas. She said:

We’ve set that as an ambition and we I think recognise that within that there will be certain specialty areas where it’s going to be very difficult.

Most of those people who’ve been waiting the longest – and you know I really do sympathise with people in this position – are waiting for inpatient care.

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