Labour condemns ‘out of touch’ Tory advice for people to buy value brands to cope with cost of living crisis – live

Labour says George Eustice comments show government has no solution to cost of living crisis

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Here are some more policy lines from Keir Starmer’s interview with Good Morning Britain this morning.

He basically blew the prime minister’s defence out of the water with that.

What we have seen is oil and gas companies in the North Sea make record profits because the global price is so high. So, over and above what they expect it to make, they’ve made much more money – in their own words, more money than they know what to do with.

What we’ve said is you should have a windfall tax on that excess profit and use that to help people with their energy bills by up to £600 for those that need it most.

I don’t think, by the way, it will ever get to social care.

The interesting and the really important thing, and the thing that makes me pretty angry, is during the pandemic the fraud and the contracts that didn’t deliver amounted to £11.8bn cost. The truth is that will be used to backfill that black hole.

No, we haven’t and we are actually standing more candidates in this election than any other party. and more than we’ve stood for many years. We haven’t got a pact with the Lib Dems.

Firstly, I’m afraid I don’t take what Oliver Dowden says very seriously these days, but the fact that a few days before the local elections the only thing he wants to talk about is a Lib Dem/Labour pact rather than the issue which is the cost of living tells you everything about a Government that’s absolutely out of ideas and is completely out of touch.

I know that families across the country are feeling the pinch as the cost of living rises.

That’s why we’re focused on growing the economy to address the cost of living, and it’s why keeping bills down and cutting council waste is more important than ever.

[The PM’s Good Morning Britain interview yesterday] won’t have won us many votes. Boris doesn’t actually care about these people. He basically despises most of the human race, so that makes it quite difficult for him to sympathise.

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10 months ago

I agree with the practical and useful advice you provide in this article.

10 months ago

I appreciate the way you presented the information in this article. Your writing is clear and concise, and your ideas are well-supported with evidence.