Labour hopes to ensure black-led firms access lucrative government contracts

Race equality task force also proposes mandatory ethnicity pay gap reporting

Black-led businesses could be given more support to procure lucrative government contracts by a future Labour government as the party refines its offer to ethnic minority voters ahead of the next election.

Labour’s race equality task force, led by Baroness Doreen Lawrence, hopes to ensure that black-led groups get the chance to access a fair share of the billions of pounds paid out each year through government contracts, according to The Voice newspaper.

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iso toto
iso toto
1 year ago

This article is a must-read for anyone interested in this topic. Your writing is engaging and thought-provoking, and the information is presented in a way that is easy to understand.

10 months ago

I’ve been struggling with this issue myself, and your article provided me with some much-needed guidance and support. Thank you for being a valuable resource.