Lack of research on heart disease in women is risking lives, say experts

Women underrepresented in research, warn doctors, amid calls for more emphasis on prevention and education

Gaps in understanding about how cardiovascular disease affects women are putting lives at risk, say experts, who have called for greater action and investment to improve access, quality and equity in women’s heart health.

In a presidential advisory issued by the American Heart Association, leading heart doctors argued that women continued to be underrepresented in research for cardiovascular disease – the number one killer of women in the US and UK – and that greater emphasis needed to be placed on prevention and education. They suggested heart health programmes should begin as early as primary school, to engage girls and empower families to take greater control over their health.

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1 year ago

Your perspective on this topic is spot-on, and I couldn’t agree more. It’s time we make a change and take action.

1 year ago

Your writing is so engaging and well-written. It’s clear you have a talent for crafting compelling content.

1 year ago

This article is an excellent example of how to write a balanced and informative piece. Well done!