Lindt’s tiniest bunny named UK’s priciest Easter chocolate by weight in supermarkets

Lindt’s tiniest bunny named UK’s priciest Easter chocolate by weight in supermarkets

Gold 10g treat leaps ahead of rivals in Guardian survey, as maker says rising cost of cocoa is a challenge

It’s the bite-size bunny that could take a big chunk out of your Easter budget. Cost-conscious chocaholics might want to steer clear of Lindt’s tiniest golden rabbit after a Guardian investigation found that, pound for pound it seems to be the priciest Easter treat on supermarket shelves.

The Lindt Gold Bunny Mini Milk Chocolate weighs in at just 10g – it’s so light that when the Guardian went shopping it failed to register on the shop’s self-checkout. But price-wise it’s a heavyweight: across the main supermarkets we couldn’t find any Easter chocolate on sale at a higher cost for 100g.

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