More than 120,000 workers quit jobs because of racism, UK study suggests

Survey finds more than a quarter of minority ethnic workers have faced racist jokes in last five years

More than 120,000 workers from minority ethnic backgrounds have quit their jobs because of racism, suggests a landmark study that has found workplace discrimination is sapping the confidence of a large part of the UK workforce.

More than one in four workers from black and other minority ethnic backgrounds have faced racist jokes at work in the last five years and 35% said it left them feeling less confident at work, according to what is believed to be the largest representative survey conducted of the UK’s 3.9 million minority ethnic workers. Eight per cent of victims left their job as a result of the racism they experienced, according to the study by the Trades Union Congress.

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Thank you for the informative and helpful article! I appreciate how you presented the information clearly and concisely.

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