Premier League considers rules for unvaccinated players amid 90 new Covid cases

No festive fixtures postponed yet after meeting between clubs
Separate travel among proposals for 16% who are still unjabbed

Premier League clubs have discussed driving up vaccination rates in their squads by creating separate rules for players yet to get a Covid-19 jab. On a day when it emerged that 16% of top-flight players are unvaccinated and a record 90 positive tests had been recorded among players and staff in the week up to last Sunday, a two-tier system was raised at an emergency meeting.

Proposals include unvaccinated players travelling separately to games, facing an additional check to get into stadiums and having meals away from vaccinated teammates. The moves are designed to guard against more fixtures being cancelled as the clubs decided to press on with the season.

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11 months ago

Your eloquent and well-crafted writing is a pleasure to read.

10 months ago

Your article is a powerful call to action. It’s inspiring to see someone who is so passionate about making a positive impact in the world.