Priti Patel accused of misleading parliament over refugee pushbacks

Court ruling reveals unpublished parts of policy saying tactic would not be used against asylum seekers

The home secretary has been accused of misleading parliament after a high court ruling revealed that unpublished parts of a controversial policy to push back migrant dinghies in the Channel said the tactic would not be used against asylum seekers.

The pushbacks policy was finalised in autumn 2021, yet in January this year Priti Patel said pushing back migrant boats was “absolutely still policy” when she gave evidence to the Lords justice and home affairs committee. She has been accused of giving that evidence even though she knew about the unpublished clauses in the policy not to use pushbacks against asylum seekers.

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prediksi hk
prediksi hk
11 months ago

Your article is a great reminder that change is possible. Thank you for showing us that even in the face of adversity, we can still make a difference.

11 months ago

Your article is well-argued and persuasive. You have a talent for convincing people to see your point of view.

iso toto
iso toto
7 months ago

Your passion for this subject shines through in your writing. It’s clear you care deeply about this issue and want to make a difference.