Recorded homophobic hate crimes soared in pandemic, figures show

UK transphobic attacks also rose as recorded incidents hit three-year high in summer 2020

Police chiefs have urged victims of homophobic and transphobic abuse to come forward after figures showed the number of hate crimes soared to their highest monthly level since the beginning of the pandemic, after lockdown restrictions were eased at the beginning of summer.

Reports of sexual orientation hate crimes recorded by UK police forces rose from an average of 1,456 a month from January to April this year to 2,211 on average from May to August.

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1 year ago

Your article was an interesting read. I never thought of the topic in that way before.

agen togel terpercaya
agen togel terpercaya
1 year ago

The clarity of your writing style makes it easy to understand.

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prediksi hk
11 months ago

Your article is a great starting point for anyone looking to get involved in this issue. The information is presented in a way that is both accessible and informative.