Richard Sharp quits as BBC chair after report finds ‘potential perceived conflict of interest’ over Boris Johnson loan help – live

Sharp insists breach of appointment rules was ‘inadvertent’ but resigns to ‘prioritise the interests’ of the broadcaster

Here’s Sharp’s full resignation statement:

I would like to thank Adam Heppinstall and his team for the diligence and professionalism they have shown in compiling today’s report.

Mr Heppinstall’s view is that while I did breach the governance code for public appointments, he states that a breach does not necessarily invalidate an appointment.

The British people won’t stand for any more of this. Everything Conservative politicians touch turns into a mess. They are not fit to govern our great country.

Boris Johnson should never have been allowed to appoint Richard Sharp in the first place and what’s worse is Rishi Sunak didn’t show leadership by sacking him.

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