Rishi Sunak is Britain’s first Asian prime minister – but it’s no progressive victory | Hashi Mohamed

The new PM’s rise is a great achievement, but his hardline views mean this is a less transformative moment than many hoped for

Congratulations to Rishi Sunak on becoming the first Asian prime minister of the UK. It’s a momentous day for a number of reasons, not least because the Conservative leadership race was a shining example of that old immigrant adage: you have to work twice as hard to achieve your goals.

On his second opportunity to become the leader of the Conservative party, all it took for Sunak to win was Liz Truss tanking the economy, global markets in turmoil and the threat of Boris Johnson returning as leader. The race showed that not only did Sunak have to work much harder than his predecessors for his appointment, but it was already obvious to the whole country in the previous leadership election that he was the only sensible candidate.

Hashi Mohamed is a barrister and author of People Like Us: What it Takes to Make it in Modern Britain

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