Russia-Ukraine war live: 150 children abducted from Luhansk and taken to Russia, says Ukraine

National Resistance Centre says close to 20,000 children in total have been taken to Russia from the occupied territory of Ukraine

What we know on day 478 of the invasion

The senior Russian general killed in a Ukrainian missile strike in the Zaporizhzhia region on Tuesday was possibly acting commander of Russia’s 35th combined arms army (CAA) at the time of his death, according to the UK Ministry of Defence.

The ministry said in its latest intelligence briefing that Gen-Maj Sergei Goryachev, the CAA’s chief of staff, was “almost certainly” killed in a strike on a command post in southern Ukraine.

With 35 CAA’s nominated commander, General-Lieutenant Alexandr Sanchik, reported to be filling a gap in a higher HQ, there is a realistic possibility that Goryachev was the acting army commander at the time of his death.

In March 2022 elements of the army were present during the massacre of civilians in Bucha, and in June 2022 the force was largely wiped out near Izium.

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