Russia-Ukraine war live news: dozens killed in Chasiv Yar strike; 80% of Donetsk residents have fled, governor says

Rescuers find body of 9-year-old trapped under rubble; authorities say only 20% of civilians remain amid calls to evacuate region

Chasiv Yar death toll rises to 33Iran to supply Russia with hundreds of combat drones, US saysAt a glance: what we know on day 139 of the invasion

Ukraine is massing a million-strong fighting force equipped with western weapons to recover its southern territory from Russia, according to the country’s defence minister.

Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, has asked military chiefs to draw up plans to gather the “million-strong” force to recover occupied areas around the Black Sea coast that are vital to the country’s economy, Oleksii Reznikov said in an interview with the Times.

We understand that, politically, it’s very necessary for our country. The president has given the order to the supreme military chief to draw up plans. After that the general staff are doing their homework and say to achieve this goal we need XYZ.

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