Russia-Ukraine war live news: Kyiv region hit by rocket attack, governor says; fight to liberate Kherson has begun, Ukraine claims

Russia launches missile on Vyshgorod district, north of the capital, officials say; Zelenskiy adviser urges Moscow’s forces in Kherson to ‘retreat, surrender or be destroyed

Poor communication ‘raises risk of nuclear war with Russia’, says UK security tsarWhat we know on day 155 of the invasion

The UN Security Council has been unable to agree on a statement welcoming last week’s deal to get grain and fertiliser moving from Ukraine and Russia to millions of hungry people around the world, Norway’s UN ambassador has said.

The statement also would have commended secretary-general Antonio Guterres and Turkey’s government for their key roles in arranging the agreement.

This morning, the enemy launched a rocket attack on one of the communities of the Vyshgorod district.

The object of the infrastructure was fired upon. Information about the victims is being clarified. All emergency services are already on site.”

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