Russia-Ukraine war: UN chief to meet Zelenskiy and Erdoğan for talks on grain and nuclear safety – live news

António Guterres to talk with leaders of Ukraine and Turkey about grain export deal, Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant and a ‘political solution’ to conflict

Donetsk leader pledges cooperation with North KoreaUkraine aims to create chaos within Russian forces: Zelenskiy adviserWhat we know so far on day 175 of the invasion

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, 20,500 Jewish people are believed to have emigrated from Russia, according to Israeli Jewish agency Sokhnut.

The agency said around 165,000 people of Jewish origin lived in Russia before the Russian invasion, as cited by the BBC.

I felt that I had to do something to show that I had nothing to do with and did not agree with the invasion of Ukraine. But if I had done this while I was staying in Moscow, I would have put myself in danger,” Goldschmidt said.

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