Sanctions on Russia must stay till all troops leave Ukraine, says Liz Truss

Foreign secretary in discussions with Ukrainian foreign minister about intensifying sanctions after atrocities in Bucha

Russia-Ukraine war: latest updates

The west must not lift sanctions against Russia until all its troops have left Ukraine and Vladimir Putin is unable to mount such an offensive again, the foreign secretary, Liz Truss, has said.

She was speaking alongside the Ukrainian foreign minister, Dmytro Kuleba, in Warsaw, where the two discussed how to step up sanctions against Russia to the maximum in the wake of the alleged war crimes revealed in Bucha.

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Joel Herzog
Joel Herzog
1 year ago

Et voluptates et autem et. Hic nisi incidunt ad quibusdam excepturi. Et et aut vitae suscipit similique ea voluptatum. Velit qui velit voluptatem minima non.