‘Secret’ screenings of cancelled Batgirl movie being held by studio – reports

It remains unlikely the public will ever see the scrapped $90m film, with the directors saying ‘it cannot be released in its current state’

Warner Bros Discovery are reportedly holding a series of discreet “funeral screenings” for their never-to-be released DC film Batgirl, starring Leslie Grace, Michael Keaton and Brendan Fraser.

The Hollywood Reporter confirmed with multiple sources that a select few who worked on the film, including cast, crew and studio executives, would be attending the screenings this week on the Warner Bros lot in California. One source described them as “funeral screenings”, as it is likely the footage will be stored forever and never shown to the public.

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situs togel terpercaya
situs togel terpercaya
1 year ago

Your article is a great reminder of why this issue is so important. It’s easy to lose sight of the big picture, but you’ve helped me keep it in focus.

Paus4d Login
Paus4d Login
10 months ago

I appreciate the effort put into gathering the data for this article.

7 months ago

Your article is so well-researched and informative. It’s clear you put a lot of effort into creating it and I appreciate that.