Seven digs later, body of Moors victim Keith Edwards still not found

Body not found after week on Saddleworth Moor as forensic scientists question evidence provided by amateur investigator

Shortly before 5pm on Friday 30 September, forensic scientists in their white costumes and hi-vis clad police officers were battling sleet and strong winds to climb Saddleworth Moor to a line of vehicles parked along a stretch of the A635, a winding road that cuts east to west through the Pennines.

An officer from Greater Manchester police carrying a heavy-duty lamp strode towards a police van and shook his head at the worst weather he had ever experienced at a crime scene. “We just can’t do any more today in these conditions,” he shouted over the noise of gale. “The wind was lifting the forensic tents. I’ve never seen that before. They weigh a third of a tonne each.”

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