Sunak claims ‘anti-motorist’ policies are against British values as Tories want to limit 20mph speed zones – UK politics live

PM preparing to curb English councils from introducing speed limits ahead of party conference

Six leading organisations representing cyclists and walkers have issued a joint statement saying that if, as the Guardian reports, Rishi Sunak goes ahead with a “plan for motorists” that would make it harder for councils in England to limit driving, he will “make the roads worse”.

The statement comes from the the chief executives of Bikeability Trust, British Cycling, Cycling UK, Living Streets, Ramblers and Sustrans. They say:

When ministers could be promoting public transport, cycling and walking as cheap sustainable options in a cost-of-living and climate crisis, they’re entrenching congestion and reliance on driving for short local journeys.

When the government could respect people’s freedom to choose how they travel, it’s removing the alternatives.

There is obviously a case for low traffic speeds outside schools, for example, when children are playing, or in market squares.

But if you go where Wales has gone where it’s become the default position, 20mph, then that is basically a punitive thing against motorists.”

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