This mutiny should be the end of Johnson. But never underestimate his sheer lust for power | Martin Kettle

The prime minister’s sense of entitlement will mean he has to be dragged kicking and screaming from Downing Street

There is only one question in British politics right now. How long can Boris Johnson survive as prime minister following the resignations of Rishi Sunak and Sajid Javid yesterday? Only recently, Johnson was publicly speculating that he sees himself staying in Downing Street for another decade. Today we can more realistically measure his time not in years but weeks, days – and even hours.

In conventional political terms, the case for Johnson to go is more overwhelming than ever. His prime ministership is irretrievably tarnished by scandal, the Chris Pincher debacle merely the latest of them. Most of his signature policies have not lived up to their billing. The “humility, grip and new direction” for which Javid called in his resignation letter are non-starters. He is at odds with much of his party over basic issues of style and strategy. He has lost his chancellor. And he is a vote loser. Last night in a snap poll, 69% of voters – and a majority of Conservative supporters – said Johnson should quit.

Martin Kettle is a Guardian columnist

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