Uber’s privileged access to politicians shows the lobby system urgently needs to change | Vicky Cann

The European Commission has long been complacent about its revolving-door problem. It’s time to tackle corporate capture

What are the Uber files? A guide to cab-hailing firm’s ruthless expansion tactics

The Uber files are extraordinarily revealing about the ride-hailing app’s lobbying operations across Europe. The company’s extensive and ruthless tactics were exposed this week after the career lobbyist Mark MacGann, who led Uber’s efforts to win over governments, leaked thousands of documents to the Guardian. They look like a prime example of corporate capture. Corporate or regulatory capture happens when corporations dominate decision-making and are able to influence outcomes to suit their interests. And, from Paris to London to Brussels, far too many politicians seem to have fallen under Uber’s spell.

Easy access to decision-makers, whether face to face, by email or by text message, has clearly been at the heart of Uber’s lobby strategy. The company has cultivated relationships and merrily schmoozed political leaders and ministers across the world.

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