Ukraine and Russia likely to begin face-to-face talks on Tuesday, Kremlin says

Officials on both sides play down hopes of major breakthrough in Istanbul ceasefire negotiations

Russia-Ukraine war: latest updatesWhat we know on day 33 of Russia’s invasion

Face-to-face peace talks between Ukraine and Russia are likely to start in Turkey on Tuesday, the Kremlin has said, as Kyiv insisted that with Moscow’s invasion largely stalled it was not prepared to make any concessions on its territorial integrity.

The Russian president, Vladimir Putin, and his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, agreed on Sunday that ceasefire talks would be held in Istanbul, possibly beginning as early as the following day.

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farmasiye nasıl üye olunur
farmasiye nasıl üye olunur
1 year ago

Thank you for great information. I look forward to the continuation.