Up was down, night was day. And was the prime minister OK? | John Crace

Librium Liz appeared for a brief, silent cameo in the Commons as her captors, Jeremy Hunt and Penny Mordaunt, held court

It was a very British coup. So polite that you could almost have missed it. So restrained that Liz Truss actually had to mastermind her own dismissal. If Librium Liz can be said to mastermind anything. It was like asking a death row inmate to administer their own lethal injection.

But it was a coup nonetheless. There may have been no military berets but we might as well have had a TV announcer saying: “We interrupt this programme to inform you that the United Kingdom has a new junta.

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1 year ago

Thank you for taking the time to address the complexities of this issue. It’s important to acknowledge the nuances and gray areas in any topic.

1 year ago

I agree with your opinion in this article and appreciate different viewpoints.