Wales to impose 2-metre rule in offices and close nightclubs from 27 December

First minister Mark Drakeford tells public to reduce Christmas socialising to stop spread of Omicron Covid variant

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The Welsh government will bring in new restrictions including closing nightclubs and imposing a 2-metre social distancing rule in offices from 27 December to try to combat the Omicron variant and has issued “strong guidance” over how to stay safe over Christmas.

The first minister, Mark Drakeford, said the new legally enforceable regulations were needed to counter what he called the most serious development in the pandemic to date.

Get vaccinated – and if you’ve had your booster appointment, make attending your priority.

If you’re going out, going Christmas shopping or visiting people, take a lateral flow test. If it’s positive – don’t go out.

Meeting outdoors is better than indoors. If you’re meeting indoors make sure it’s well ventilated.

Space out your socialising – if you’ve got events arranged, leave at least a day between them.

Don’t forget about social distancing, wearing a face covering and washing your hands.

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