Wiegman the modest alchemist has built England into a formidable unit

The question now is how far Lionesses can progress with the World Cup in Australia and New Zealand in 2023

“English people can drink!” exclaimed Sarina Wiegman the morning after the night before. “A little bit too much alcohol, I think. But that’s OK, we enjoyed it. When you have these accomplishments it’s really good to have a party.”

It was a passage that summed up England’s manager rather well. Wiegman may come across as an austere, stern figure on the touchline and her businesslike manner has quickly imprinted itself on the new European champions since her arrival last September. But there is a much lighter side, too, and it has been evident in the way her team play: industry setting the path for invention and the kinds of flourish that sent England off into an evening that was worth the sunglasses and sore heads.

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